how to block Country’s IP Addresses

How to block Country’s IP Addresses

How to block Country’s IP Addresses : Fortunately, there is a method to block or allow visitors from specific countries by utilizing the .htaccess file in WordPress. In this tutorial, we will explore how to accomplish this.

Step 1: Obtain the IP Addresses of the Country Numerous online tools are available to facilitate the blocking

or allowing of visitors based on their country. For this guide, we will use Country IP Blocks.

1 -Visit the Country IP Blocks homepage. Choose the countries you wish to block or allow.


Under the Select Format section, select either Apache .htaccess Deny or Apache .htaccess Allow,

depending on whether you want to block or allow visitors from those countries.

Click on Create ACL. The ACL results will be displayed on the right side of the screen. Use the Copy ACL to Clipboard button to copy the generated ACL.

If you are using the allow function, ensure that you include the line “deny from all” above the list of allowed IPs.



Generated IP Addresses

Step 2: Add the Generated IP Addresses to the .htaccess File Finally, paste the IP addresses of the countries you wish to block or allow into the .htaccess file.

Go to Files -> File Manager. Select your domain and click on Go To File Manager.

Navigate to the public_html folder and open the .htaccess file. Paste the ACL into the .htaccess file and click on Save & Close.

Your .htaccess file will resemble the following: Conclusion In this tutorial, you have learned a simple method to block or allow visitors from specific countries.

By generating the country’s IP addresses using Country IP Blocks and adding an access control list (ACL) to your .htaccess file, you can control access to your website.

How to block Country’s IP Addresses
How to block Country’s IP Addresses

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